Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Trees are Gone!

The trees are gone! The house looks so different now and we are ready for work to begin...We went ahead and moved the boys fort to the backyard. I'm sure it will be put to good use. Still getting together estimates for paint, cabinets, flooring, etc. So many choices! I am envisioning heart pine 6" planks flooring and butterscotch (distressed look) cabinets.

Look at the size of that stump! Now that was a huge old oak tree.

This tree just had some limbs trimmed off. They were completely across the roof and were about to grow into the chimney.

Check out the hole in the(siding) roofline where the tree used to be. That tree sure was doing some damage to the house!

The boys fort in the backyard. It looks so lonely out there. Can't wait to get the yard graded and landscaped, but that's way down the road.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tree Removal

There are several old oaks that will need to be removed from Project 1852. They are so close to the house (touching) that if we have a strong wind they will damage the house. Here are some pictures of them. It's hard to believe the builders built around these trees!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Upcoming Closing

Our closing is scheduled for November 19th and we are really getting excited. The bank (the house is a lender owned property) just put up a door to the outside of the garage (with a lock) and nailed up boards covering the front door opening. The agent for the bank told us we can go ahead and get ourselves keys made so we can come and go as we wish. How exciting! We met with our bank last week and the paperwork is now underway. In just 2 short weeks, our finishing job will begin!